
How it works


Receive calls & handle full negotiation

Ensure confidentiality

Provide & secure full legal agreement

Secure money transactions

Transfer the new entity to the new owner

App Screenshots

One App for your business investments


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Mushtari is the first business platform for selling and buying in the MENA for entrepreneurs, investors and business owners. Mushtari offers trust and credibility by a specialized team and legal professionals who work to ensure the success of the deals.

Mushtari offers all types of businesses in various sectors. Business owners can list their businesses on the platform, whether they are existing businesses, convenience stores, commercial licenses, mobile vehicles (food trucks), home businesses, Apps and websites, or any other businesses that comply with the basic standards of the platform that includes a clear picture of the business details and data. Any business has to go though a verification process by our specialized team.

To ensure credibility with our clients, all businesses are subject to an initial audit process in terms of t owner’s data, commercial license, and in terms of basic numbers and financial data. The platform helps its clients in studying the numbers and evaluating the business with specialists after the buyer expresses interest and seriousness.

You can easily use Mushtari to browse all businesses without paying a fee.
Mushtari requires an administrative fee to list business on the platform, and Mushtari charges a commission for successful deals only. The percentage may vary based on the size, type of the deal, and other factors determined by the business.
The fee structure of can change and evolve. Therefore, download the App and click on "More" to find out the latest pricing or contact the team.

The negotiation process typically begins with direct coordination between the buyer/investor and seller via our platform by our specialized team. Once agreement on terms is reached, both parties can proceed with the necessary legal and financial procedures through our platform with our protection, support, and guidance.

Yes absolutely. You will receive assistance and guidance during the buying and selling process until the deal is successfully completed and closed.

Our specialized business success team can help you in closing a successful deal that is not listed on Mushtari platform but the terms and conditions of the platform apply depending on the type and circumstances of the business.

Certainly, Mushtari ensures the security and privacy of user data by implementing strong encryption procedures and comprehensive privacy protocols. In addition, all buyers and investors are required to accept and sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before revealing the business's' details and official data.

Find Us There

Office Location

Qibla, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Street Investor Tower 2

Office Hours

Sunday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM